
Warband how to start a kingdom
Warband how to start a kingdom

warband how to start a kingdom

If you bet 100 denars per line-up in the tournament, you get an easy 4000 denars. Also do tournaments if possible, and bet on yourself. You will be rewarded a small village by the king, and now you're making money every week. Get enough Renown (150) by killing these parties of enemies and join King Harlaus in the Kingdom of Swadia. Steal the loot, sell it, build up your armor to chainmail, get a bow and arrow and a horse if possible. Keep with Swadia and kill Looters and Forest Bandits with your small army. That is Vaegir/ Nord territory, and what they have up there are Sea Raiders- the most powerful bandit troop. Aswell, an important warning do not go to the northern edge of the map just yet. It should be fairly sized 30 to 40 troops. But anyways, you need to begin building an army. Begin upgrading your Trainer skill to get troops upgraded more quickly. Swadian Knights are one of the most powerful troops in the game, with heavy plate armor, 2 handed swords, and a heavy armour plated horse, but will take a while to get. I would try and get mostly Swadian troops, and upgrade them as so: Swadian Recruit to Swadian Milita, to Swadian Footman to Swadian Man-At-Arms to a Swadian Knight. I had a mix of troops, but mostly Swadian troops. This is an example of a fairly small army. Kill weak Looters and small parties of Forest Bandits if possible. It may be tempting to get mercenary units, but they are very expensive and are of similar strength to cheaper units.

warband how to start a kingdom

Just simply do some easy quests or kill some easy bandits and build up an army again. Get yourself a simple mace or club(b=bashing weapon) and knock out looters and bandits and sell them to Ransom Brokers in taverns for easy cash. Do the merchants mission, as it is fairly easy money, and then, begin building an army.

warband how to start a kingdom

It matters as Looters and easy bandits are around here, and are easy even with a small army to destroy them and build up money. I'd recommend you begin in Praven, the Swadian capital but you may do as you wish. Once you've chosen all that, choose a kingdom to start out into. Riding skill comes later, as it may be expensive for you to buy a horse early on. This means high Strength, and high Charisma. Get good Power Strike, Power Draw, Prisoner Management, Trainer, Horse Archery, and Leadership. Once you've chosen who you are, you want to choose your skills. Starting as a noble will make it easier to become a vassal of a king and overall rule easier, and starting as a thief will not.

warband how to start a kingdom

Choose who your father was, your occupation, and your status carefully.

Warband how to start a kingdom